We can help you get full reimbursement for auto accident and workman’s compensation injuries. This doesn’t just cover simple massage but even our more advanced services. To qualify for reimbursement, you’ll need a doctor’s prescription with the right classification code. Prior to your request for a prescription, we recommend that you schedule a free virtual consultation to determine the best approach.

These are the types of medical CPT codes that we are authorized to provide:

CPT 97124 – For Thai Sport Massage.  Massage Therapy Techniques – Effleurage (circular movement), Petrissage (lifting, squeezing) and tapotement (stroking, compression, percussion) Therapeutic massage to increase circulation and promote tissue relaxation to the muscles.

CPT 97140 – For Neuromuscular Therapy.  Manual Therapy Techniques – Soft Tissue and joint mobilization, manipulation, manual traction, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and MLD – Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

CPT 97112 – For Prehab and Deepwave Therapy.  Neuromuscular re-education of movement, balance, coordination, kinesthetic sense, posture, and proprioception in 15-minute intervals. techniques.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email to



If you own a car and have car insurance, you may have Personal Injury Protection coverage, also known as "PIP" coverage (unless you waived this provision on your policy).

If you have an accident, and you have PIP, normally your auto insurance company will cover your medical needs whether it is your fault or not. You will need a prescription from your doctor, a claim number, the date the accident happened, and the name and telephone number of the adjuster from your personal car insurance company.

If the accident was the fault of the other car, the other driver's insurance is called "third party coverage." Please call your car insurance company and ask if they will cover your expenses under your PIP coverage and mediate with the other insurance company for you. It’s must easier than negotiate yourself.

You may need a prescription, depending on the type of treatment you need. After each session, we will provide you a superbill for remimbursement. They must accept one of the CPT codes above.


If you are injured from a workplace incident and you are an employee, they must provide you with Workmans Compensation insurance. Like automobile injuries, it’s usually quite simple to be fully reimbursed after you pay.

To get started, you need a prescription for massage therapy, manual therapy, or neuromuscular re-education (see CPT codes above) signed by the treating physician. You can provide us a Letter of Medical Necessity from the physician with the appropriate CPT code. The letter should also include the frequency and duration

After each session, we wil provide you with a Superbill to provide your insurance provider.