While your first impression might lead you to believe that we’re just a Thai massage business — there’s much more to the story! From our very beginnings, we focused on helping active people who are dependent on optimum movement. This meant not just athletes, but people from all walks of life and lifestyles. We met this challenge by continually improving our protocols and developing new services that go well beyond the principles of massage therapy.

Besides creating the most effective massage in San Diego for active lifestyles, today we offer a full range of body wellness services based on advanced manual therapies and technology. Our advanced services address pain, prevent injury, and improve human performance. We fill the gap between the holistic world of massage and allied healthcare dominated by physical therapy and chiropractic care. These principles have allowed us to grow from one person working inside a fitness facility to 25+ practitioners, three locations, and many more to come.


  • Outside of genetics and injury — just about everything we do in the modern world affects our posture, flexibility, mobility, and muscular balance. This stems from moving less, sitting more, and performing routine activities that create muscle and movement imbalances.

    The problem? We use machines to transport us, modern comforts to coddle us, smart phones that damage our posture, and movements (such as a favorite exercise) that create muscle imbalances) It’s a serious health crisis and each year it grows worse!

  • After more than a decade and over 150,000 sessions — we know that massage or stretch by itself cannot resolve the root cause of pain or movement restrictions. Even something as transformative as our Thai Sport Massage can only go so far.

    Our massage is designed as a monthly or even weekly therapy to keep your body out of trouble as a maintenence therapy. But it cannot diagnose or resolve root causes of movement problems and pain. No massage or stretch session alone can!

  • Our bodies are incredibly complex and new discoveries and treatments are being developed all the time. Unfortunately, our cost-driven insurance-based healthcare system lags well behind new techniques and technology when it comes to MSK health.

    For example — most physical therapists still use mechanical devices and visual cues to identify physical problems. And they’re overwhelmed with patients and often unable to provide the best results.

    That’s why the wellness industry is filled with alternative medicine solutions — most which are unscientific or peer reviewed. We only deliver proven techniques and tehnolology!

  • In order to offer more than massage therapy, we’ve spent years in developing new skills, techniques, and world-class partners in MSK health.

    Since 2015, we’ve been actively building a business model that brings together skills from proven leaders in movement science, physiotherapy, corrective exercise, and even MSK technology to provide the most comprehensive solutions.

    There is no other company quite like us!


We empower our clients to enjoy optimal movement health and performance at every stage of life by providing the most comprehensive bodywork technique, training, and technology available!


We seek to be an industry leader and pioneer in musculoskeletal (MSK) health through education, evaluation, research and development of products and services that improve human performance.


We focus on those who lead an active lifestyle or want to become more active. We help all ages from young athletes to seniors who suffer from movement challenges.

► Anyone Who Values Their Movement
► Athletes of All Genres & Skill Level
► Professionals & Corporate Wellness
► Tradesmen and Active Workers
► Seniors with Movement Challenges




We’re only limited by staffing and are continually growing our team.



We strive for 110% client satisfaction and continually work to improve.



We are one of the highest reviewed businesses in California.